
Trip FAQs

All your questions answered… 

(Well, kind of. You guys have lots of questions!)


Team Leaders: You will have 1 or 2 team leaders (depending on the size of your team – if your team is 10+ you will likely have 2 leaders). Team leaders are Adventures alumni who have been on World Race trips as a participant. In order to lead they must fill out an application, submit references, and go through a few interview rounds. They range in age from 20s to 30s. Their role is to disciple you, pour into you, love you, and lead you! (In addition to handling all the logistics and taking you to the hospital if you get sick…aka the fun stuff!) They have all the answers to life’s problems. NOT. They won’t always get it right – they are human, they will make mistakes. We train them the best we can, but they will still learn some things the hard way. We hope you will give them feedback and have a lot of fun along the way! 

Squad Mentor: aka the person from the Adventures office who is responsible for your team while you’re on the field. They will check in with your team leader(s) weekly and make sure everything is going well. If you have any concerns or questions while on the field you can directly reach out to them (their info will be given out at Training Camp. Feel free to stalk them on social media! You will meet them at Training Camp, they will check in with you/your team/your leaders throughout your trip, and you will see them again at Final Debrief. 

Training Camp: You will come to the Adventures office for Training Camp before leaving on a jet plane (John Denver, anyone? Google if you are lost right now…) Our goal at Training Camp is to teach you about our three values (intimacy with the Lord, community with the body of believers, missional living) and how to live those out as you build the Kingdom wherever you go. You will experience worship that will change you, teachings that will challenge you, and community that will comfort you. Also: porta potties. Get excited. 

Packing List: So.Many.Questions. Your packing list is located in the Preparation tab of your profile, and we’ll post specifics (mostly about bedding) a month or two before your trip. We try to give you as much information as we can, but sometimes you won’t end up using that swimsuit we told you to pack. The horror. We just want you to be prepared in case you end up anywhere with a hot tub. You’re welcome. Know you can get nearly any toiletry in the country you’ll be in. Deep breath. 

The most important part of the packing list is that you pack clothes within dress code. Which brings us to our next point… 

Dress Code: This is the mission field, not a Thursday night at home (I’m looking at you, yoga pants…) No leggings, yoga pants, or shorts more than 4″ above the top of your kneecap (about a palm’s width). Dresses and skirts must come to your knee. No spaghetti straps or bikinis or bra straps. Look presentable, like you want people to listen to you when you speak. When in doubt pack what Mother Teresa would wear. 

Final Debrief: Racers on Semesters used to fly back to the Atlanta airport and be done. Bye Felicia. Now we bring you back to Georgia for a day or two to help you process what you’ve been through and teach you how to integrate into your life back home (i.e. we remind you it’s socially appropriate to wear shoes in public). Transitioning from what you’ve experienced on the field to what’s waiting for you back home can be tough. We’re here to help. Also, we feed you pizza, because we know you’ve been deprived. Noms. 

Money: $100-$200 per month is recommended for spending money (for excursions, but most importantly ICE CREAM). We recommend bringing a debit or credit card in addition to some cash. ATMs are everywhere, and you can easily pull out money in whatever country you’re in. Also, be prepared to pay up front for possible medical expenses (we’re talking $100 deductible, which means you need to have $100 available just in case… with how insurance works you’ll have to pay for *all* your medical costs up front before getting reimbursed! Yuck.) Fingers crossed you come back from the field with nothing but your health, souvenirs, and a few extra pounds! (That ice cream though…)

Ministry: What will you be doing every second of every day? We know you want to know. We also know we can’t tell you. Not because we’re withholding but because our ministry hosts approach life & ministry differently than we do. This isn’t a summer project with Cru where we can control every variable (…if only). This is ministry in another country. We’ll give you the most updated information we have around 30-45 days out.

So there you have it. You can finally sleep at night because you know everything. Nothing will be a surprise. (Ha, if only that were true… )           

Happy preparation!

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